• Getting started with OpenAI Assistant APIs and Python

    Earlier I had discussed using OpenAI Embeddings API to come up with a product recommendation system. In this post, I am going to discuss Assistant APIs, The APIs OpenAI provided to integrate custom GPTs. I am going to create a blog title generator in Flask that will be generating blog titles in the tech/gadget space. In case you are in a hurry you may want to watch the demo video of it: What is a custom GPT? According to OpenAI: …ChatGPT that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills. Custom GPTs, as the name says, are the customized versions of chatGPT that rely on your own data and…

  • Building an E-commerce Product Recommendation System with OpenAI Embeddings in Python

    Earlier I had written a post about using OpenAI APIs to create a stock sentiment analysis by feeding news to GPT models. In this post, I am going to introduce the concepts of Word Embeddings or Embeddings in general. I am going to write a product recommendation system using OpenAI embeddings API that consumes product-related datasets from Kaggle. If you are in hurry or not interested in technical details, check the demo video below:   Before I start developing the system itself, allow me to discuss a few words about embeddings and their need. What are embeddings According to Wikipedia: In natural language processing (NLP), a word embedding is a…

  • Create Your First Real Estate Lead-Capturing Chatbot Using Voiceflow and Python Flask

    Introduction Chatbots are essential tools because they make communication between people and technology much easier. These clever programs can answer questions, provide helpful information, and even assist with tasks. In various fields like real estate, chatbots play a crucial role by engaging with potential clients, enhancing user experience, and helping businesses capture valuable leads. They’re like smart assistants who work around the clock, making interactions smoother and more efficient for everyone involved. Chatbots come in different levels of complexity, categorized as either stateless or stateful. Stateless chatbots treat each conversation as if it’s a new interaction with a user, while stateful chatbots can remember and consider past exchanges when generating…

  • Automate Your Finance Blog with WordPress and Google Bard in Python

    Introduction Earlier I gave you an overview of how you can you GPT APIs to build a stock sentiment analysis system. In this post, I am going to introduce you to Google Bard, Google’s answer to OpenAI’s chatGPT. Bard has been around for a few months but they recently offered APIs to access their LLM. Initially, they introduced PaLM APIs but very recently they have offered Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision APIs which means that like GPT4 Vision, you can now use Bard APIs to process images. We are not going to discuss image processing capabilities at the moment. I am going to offer a use case where I…

  • Using the RSI Indicator to Generate Trading Signals in Python with TaLib

    This post is the part of trading series. In the past, I gave you a brief intro to Ta-Lib and how it can be used in technical analysis, in this post, I am going to discuss how you can RSI indicator to generate buy or sell signals in Python by using the TA-Lib library. Before I write code about the implementation, let’s discuss a bit about signal generation and RSI. What Are Signals In the world of trading, signals are cues or indicators that are derived from various kinds of analyses and guide investors on when to buy, sell, or hold shares. They help traders to make informed decisions based…

  • Getting started with On-chain Data Analysis in Python using getblock.io

    On-chain data analysis involves studying the information recorded on a blockchain to gain insights into transaction patterns, market trends, and network behavior. By examining the data stored on the blockchain, analysts can uncover valuable information about user behavior, market sentiment, and the overall health of a blockchain network. In this post, I am going to discuss some basics about on-chain data analysis for blockchain and then will be discussing how we can leverage the getblock.io platform to perform on-chain analysis of transactions using Python language. What is On-chain Data Analysis? On-chain data analysis refers to the process of studying the information recorded on a blockchain. It involves analyzing transaction details,…

  • Scraping dynamic websites using Scraper API and Python
    Learn how to efficiently and easily scrape modern Javascript enabled websites or Single Page Applications without installing a headless browser and Selenium

      In the last post of the scraping series, I showed you how you can use Scraper API, an online data extractor to scrape websites that use proxies hence your chance of getting blocked is reduced. Today I am going to show how you can use Scraper API to scrape websites that are using AJAX to render data with the help of JavaScript, Single Page Applications(SPAs), or scraping websites using frameworks like ReactJS, AngularJS, or VueJS. I will be working on the same code I had written in the introductory post. Let’s work on a simple example. There is a website that tells your IP, called HttpBin. If you load…

  • Create Stock Sentiment Analysis in Python using chatGPT

    ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that has gained immense popularity for its ability to generate human-like text responses to prompts. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT has become a powerful tool for a variety of applications, including sentiment analysis. By analyzing text data and identifying the underlying sentiment, ChatGPT can provide valuable insights into customer feedback, social media sentiment, and other aspects of public opinion. In this blog post, I’ll explore how ChatGPT can be used for sentiment analysis without using any library or code to write the main logic. Let’s proceed! If you are in a hurry or not interested in technical details…

  • 5 Application Security Best Practices for 2023

    Image Source What Is Application Security? Application security is the practice of protecting computer systems and applications from threats and vulnerabilities. This includes measures to prevent unauthorized access, modification, use, destruction, disruption, or disclosure of an application or its data Application security is important because applications are often the primary targets of cyber attacks. Hackers may try to exploit vulnerabilities in an application to gain access to sensitive information, steal data, or disrupt the operation of the application. Application security aims to prevent these types of attacks and protect against the consequences of a successful attack. Application Security Best Practices Monitor the Software’s Supply Chain Most (but not all) software…